317-826-9666 tdunville@comcast.net


Looking to buy or sell a home or piece of property?  Dunville and Associates is also a full-scale Real Estate Brokerage.  As a member of the MIBOR Realtor Association, we can help you identify land and pre-existing properties of interest and lead you through the steps needed to acquire them.  MIBOR members serve home buyers and sellers in Boone, Brown, Decatur, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Montgomery, Morgan and Shelby counties.

The market is HOT!  If you are sitting on a piece of property you would like to move, now is a GREAT time to sell.  Use the numbers at the top and bottom of this page to get in tough with Terri to get the ball rolling on your real estate needs.  She is standing by ready to serve you as a guide, counselor and/or advocate throughout the process of selling to ensure you maximize the value of your assets.